Monday, August 06, 2007

DVD: Whatever you do, don't order the Shia LaBeouf!

Ah, puns. The language of the Norse Gods. You don't even want to know how Thor got his name...

I would be embarrassed about naming this post with a pun about Shia LaBeouf, but I already used up all my shame for the next few years by actually googling how to spell his name. First week and Ive already blown my cover and everyone realizes I'm not a 14 year-old girl. Damn.

This week's DVD releases are a hodgepodge of cartoons, classic films, things that sound like porn, and McBeef- I mean, LaBeouf. See the complete list of this week's releases at DVD Journal. Now let's transform and roll out...
This deserves a brief mention solely because I demand a Congressional hearing on these rules no longer being applied to only teenage daughters. Have you no shame, Buena Vista Home Entertainment?! Now fathers across the world will have no clear direction to whom these rules should apply. Why, just imagine the chaos created when they force their dogs to return home by 11 while their daughters run amok through the night, holding up 7-11's and giving it up to former roadies for Night Ranger. Imagine, I tell you. For shame!

And now, the movies:
Two things that happen when Robert Osborne at Turner Classic Movies gets drunk around the office: 1. Sudden releases of tons of classic Loy/Powell movies, 2. More stories about being in the Navy that start with "And another thing to remember when stabbing a Chinaman..." Also, for those playing at home, the song of the Thin Man is not Der Kommissar by After the Fire.
These are this week's random Movies That Sound Like Porn. And now that this cheap joke has been introduced, I can run it into the ground.
That's a honkin' big spoonful of Elvis there. I will also note how many of those vaguely sound like porn, especially Charro! What can I say, I always enjoyed the Love Boat. Coochie-coochie...

Donald Sutherland just needs a hug.
Gentlemen, we have LaBeouf. We have LaBeauf.

What's that I hear? The sound of Queen's Flash Gordon them song? Shh, you can almost hear it. The sound of AWESOME.
This movie didn't do any business (I never saw it), but it's written and directed by the ridiculously funny Paul Feig, who wrote two hilarious books about his life (seriously, read Kick Me or Superstud and try not to laugh in sheer horror) and was one of the creators of Freaks and Geeks. Might be worth a look-see.

And now, something for the kids, tweens, teens, and creepy guys in trenchcoats:And now, as always, I finish up with the all the TV shows making your way on shiny discs (sure, it's my first real post, but there's no tradition like a new tradition!):
Quick, a cancelled show with a cult following: To the post office! Surely your annoying packages can bring it back! It totally worked, like, twice!
Look at Bart. He's watching you. Yes, even when you do THAT. You know what I mean. Filthy. Spooooooooooonnnn!!!!

And that's all she wrote. What do you think about this week's releases?

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